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Basic Walkthrough

This page contains a walkthrough of how to create two scenes, one nested inside another, to demonstrate some of Sceneify's functionality.

Step 0: Create a new Scene Collection​

While you could use your existing scene collection in OBS, it is highly recommended to create a new one. Sceneify won't alter what you don't tell it to interact with, but for safety's sake it is best to create a new scene collection.

Step 1: Setup​

Firstly, import the necessary classes from Sceneify.

const { OBS, Scene, Alignment } = require("@sceneify/core");
const { ColorSource } = require("@sceneify/sources");

Next, create an async function that the code can run inside, and execute it. While not strictly necessary, this allows us to use the await keyword, which makes for a nicer development experience. If you are unfamiliar with JavaScript's async/await syntax, it's recommended that you do some research and understand it. Using it wrong can lead to problems with things being out of sync and not happening in the order you want them to.

async function main() {
// Code will go in here


Lastly, create an instance of OBS in code and connect it to OBS. You may need to change the port number from 4444 if your OBS Websocket server runs on a different port.

// Creates an OBS object that will connect to OBS
const obs = new OBS();

// Connects the OBS object to OBS
await obs.connect("localhost:4444");

Step 2: Declare Nested Scene​

Next, we create an instance of Scene that represents the nested scene in OBS. It contains one item with default properties, and its source is a ColourSource created with default settings.

const nestedScene = new Scene({
name: "Nested",
items: {
color: {
source: new ColorSource({
name: "Nested Color Source",
settings: {},

Step 3: Declare Parent Scene​

Like before, create a new Scene that represents the main scene. Give it one item, and make the item's source the nested scene you created earlier. Assign this item some properties, such as 2x scale and center alignment.

const mainScene = new Scene({
name: "Main",
items: {
nested: {
source: nestedScene,
scaleX: 2,
scaleY: 2,
alignment: Alignment.Center,

Step 4: Create the Scenes in OBS​

Finally, tell the main scene to create itself and all of its children (in this case, the nested scene) in the instance of OBS you created in Step 1:

await mainScene.create(obs);

Step 5: Make the Main Scene the Current Scene​

Just for fun, make the main scene the current scene in OBS so that you can view it right after it's created.

await mainScene.makeCurrentScene();

Step 6: Run the Script​

Making sure you have OBS running, run the script you just wrote. You should see two scenes be created, with "Main Scene" containing "Nested Scene" as a scene item at 2x scale.

Going Forward​

There are so many features that weren't touched on in this walkthrough, and you are likely confused about some things.

  • The Guides explain most parts of Sceneify and how to use them
  • The API Reference contains detailed information on the types and uses of every aspect of Sceneify.